Wednesday, April 2, 2008


Hi. I am a LIS student at Drexel University. This is my third term. I am planning on finishing my course work in December of this year, 2008. After earning my degree, I hope to work as research librarian for a Federal library. Ideally, I would like to work overseas, in either a French-Speaking or Spanish-speaking country.

Unless you thought I was either Indian or Pakistani, you probably guessed my ethnicity, Tejano-Chicano. My mom is from Texas and my dad is from Mexico. Although I was born in the USA, my parents taught me their native languages, Tejano (English influenced Castilian) and Castellano (The Spanish dialect commonly spoken in Latin America) . Additionally, I speak a tiny bit of French. I took four semesters of French in college. I would love to put my language skills to good use as a trilingual librarian.

I am currently employed as a social worker for a program that assists the formerly homeless. It is an interesting job. I have seen things I hope you never have to.

Here is a list of websites I enjoy:
George RR Martin's official website
New American Media
The official Guillermo Del Toro fansite

1 comment:

Diwata (aka Mrs. Stolberg on some posts-Sorry it's my post-marriage pseudonym) said...


I have terrible Spanish language skills. I have just enough to mislead Spanish speakers think I can understand whole sentences.