Monday, April 14, 2008

I am creating a website for...

...a private practice law office.

It is going to be a great challenge. I have never created a website before. Are any of you familiar with any law firm websites? I am interested in locating a few brilliant examples, websites that I can model my future creation after.

I have an idea for a color palette. I am going to match a blue with a yellow. They happen to be the colors of the Ukrainian Flag. Coincidentally, my future father in-law is part Slavic. His dad was Ukrainian. Luckily, the two colors I have chosen are a great combination. I did a color palette check.

Signing off for tonight. Blog you all later.


Joel N. said...

hey--you should post those colors. I'm interested to see. I don't think I've ever been to a law firm website, either...are you going to model after big firms or little ones?

Chrysalis said...

My brother-in-law works for a law firm in D.C. They are one of the oldest and largest law firms in the U.S. One of the lawyers in the New York firm is actually representing Ashley Alexandra Dupree, the call girl who was linked with NY Governor Elliot Spitzer.

It might be a bigger firm than the one you plan to create a website for, but maybe it will give you some ideas!

Kelly Drye & Warren LLP

You could probably include profiles of the lawyers. This is my brother-in-law's profile on their website.

Gonzalo E. Mon - Associate, Washington, D.C.

Meredith said...
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Meredith said...

I cannot help you on the law firm website front, but I can say that it should NOT look like this:

Kidding aside, is this a project for another job you've picked up?

Brice said...

What a challenge, and a great idea! I don't have any law firm website suggestions, but I have looked at the American Assoication of Law Libraries website, quite extensively.

Maybe you'll find it helpful as well. Good luck.