Thursday, April 3, 2008

Future librarian misses Milwaukee's coffee houses.

It is absolutely true. Milwaukee has a bunch of great coffee houses.

I spent lots of time at my favorite ones sipping brilliantly flavorful coffee. I enjoyed them for different reasons. I loved Anodyne because it was the place my friends and I went to after mountain biking (They have great waffles). I would go to Stone Creek Coffee to meet my friend Mark (The Boulevard Ensemble Theater's Artistic Director) and spend hours talking to him about everything imaginable. When I wanted to listen to great music, I would hit up the Hi-Fi Café. If I felt like being in the granola scene, The Bremen Café was the place. Alterra was my choice when I simply wanted to be somewhere beautiful with my lovely fiancée (Specifically, the one located along the shore of Lake Michigan). Lastly, whenever I was in the neighborhood, I would stop by Belle Café to chat with my friend Jackie who worked there.

I hope that one day you may have the pleasure of enjoying a cup of Joe from one of my old haunts.



eamon said...

Though I'm not much of a coffee drinker, I like the Satellite Cafe ( in west Philly (probably as much for their snacks as any beverages!)

eamon said...

Note: the link posted is just a long rant, not much of a review!

Christy said...

I've never been to Milwaukee and your post made me feel homesick for a place I've never even visited! I love coffee, although I usually go to Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts. Although Starbucks has great coffee they sort of lack the charm of a local coffee shop.

Chrysalis said...

I actually went to Milwaukee for the first time this past October. My boyfriend's friend moved out there and we went to visit him. We actually went to the Alterra you mentioned along the shore of Lake Michigan after we went to the art museum!

I didn't get to try their coffee though. I had tea and put honey in it, which probably wasn't a good idea since it attracted a bee while we were sitting outside:) Guess I should have gone with the coffee!

Anonymous said...

If you ever want to wallow in nostalgia a bit, check out my blog at Nice post!

Commisioner said...

Perhaps your Final Website can incoporate Milwaukee coffee houses?

zerbipedia said...

Oscar, there are a lot of excellent coffee shops in Philly. You just need to get out of the suburbs and explore the city.