The following has nothing to do with my final project.
Does anybody reading this blog like lentils? If you are thinking, I love lentils! Please read on. I am about to share a Mexican recipe for making lentils.
1 cup dried lentils
1 medium onion
5 cloves of garlic
1 tablespoon of ground cumin
1 teaspoon salt or to taste
Ground (cayenne) red pepper to taste
Ground black pepper to taste
1 cup of chicken broth (optional)
- Put the dried lentils in a pot .
- Add 2 cups water (3 cups if you aren't using the broth) and the chicken broth
- Add the onion, chopped
- Add the garlic, chopped (If you microwave the garlic for 15 sec., it is easier to peel them)
- Add the spices
- Bring to a boil, Reduce heat, cover, and simmer until lentils are tender, about 45 minutes.
- Remove cover and simmer over low heat, stirring frequently, about 20 more minutes. The lentils should be thick and mushy.
ooh i love lentils! and that recipie sounds great. i know i will never make it but i will give it to my sister who is a much, much better cook that i.
my mom makes lentil patties - they are a fantastic alternative to burgers (i'm a vegetarian) and they are so good. i will try and find the recipie and post it.
Lentils *are* darn tasty. Have you ever tried koshari? It is an Egyptian way of preparing lentils. In fact, it is so beloved that they have entire restaurants devoted to that dish!
Oscar, you're a riot! Why don't I ever sit next to you in classes?
Oscar, thanks for the lentil recipe. I will make it for sure. What kind of web site are you going to make for your future Father-in-Law?
Thanks for the instructions! I will definitely try it out!
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